BabyFruit Ticker

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

It's Official!!!

The Canterbury Crew is growing by two feet!  Chad and I are so excited to announce that "we" are pregnant.  I am almost 12 weeks the math.....the little one should arrive mid-May.  We have been waiting for this for awhile and are excited to let everyone know.  Thanks for all of your support so far-we can't wait to share this journey with you all.

I will be taking meetings with my fellow "mommy friends" on the best of day cares/schools, car seats, high chairs, diapers to use, registry items I will actually USE, and all of that other fun stuff. 

Here is the most current photo of our little bundle of joy.  When we had the 10 week ultrasound it was "marching" or as I like to call it...dancing.  Arms and legs going back and forth in perfect rhythm with each other.  It already knows what an 8-count is....THIS IS MY CHILD!!

I hope you will all follow along in our journey and pray with us that everything goes according to plan.


  1. Waaaaaaaahooooooooooo!! We are so excited for you and Chad and we cannot wait to meet your sweet one! Congrats you guys! We love you!!!!

  2. I am soooo excited for you guys and can't wait to meet the lil' Canterbury when we all get to welcome it to the world!!
