BabyFruit Ticker

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

One Week Old and counting.....

Well, Miss Petyon is one week old and doing wonderful!  She has gained some weight and is eating and sleeping QUITE WELL!!  She is just the best thing that Chad and I have ever experienced and are so blessed to be the parents of such a wonderful little lady.  Here are a few pics from this last week, including her first check up with Dr. Newton, visit from Papa-T, and her first unofficial photo shoot by mom and nanny this morning.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Meet the Family

Peyton already has lots of visitors...any chance she will be spoiled?


The Handoff




Aunt Mop

Aunt Tina


Welcome to the World

Peyton Grace joined us Tuesday, May 10 at 11:46 AM. She's a big girl, 8lbs. 6 oz. It was a fabulous day!She is such a blessing for us.

Mom and Dad getting ready

These drugs feel great!

Here comes Peyton

My weight is...

Holding dad's hand

The first diaper

Meet mommy

Monday, May 9, 2011

Peyton's New Home

To add a little extra excitement before Peyton's arrival, we decided to move four weeks before her due date.  It was a lot of work, but we are very blessed to have found a new house before bringing a new baby home.  Of course we had a ton of help and can't thank our family and friends enough.  We're very happy to be in "The Burbs" now with our Frisco friends.