BabyFruit Ticker

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Look out Michelle Wie!

Top Golf is something Chad and I discovered in the last year or two. It'ss a driving range golf game that anyone can play. Beginners go to have a good time....novices go to show everyone up!

Here's how it works-you buy rounds of golf and they put your $$ on a card, you swipe your card for a bucket of balls, these balls have a chip inside and they are now registered to you, then you place your golf balls on the tee and it registers that you are hitting the ball. You get points by how far you can hit it into the bullseyes that are on the course. We went with Katie and Michael since the weather has been nice. Note to self....use a wooden tee....not that plastic thing they call a tee sticking out from under the mat.

Ready to play

 I was a little sore the next day from all that upper-body twisting I did!

 Perfect form Chad!!

Lining up...just about ready....

I thought this pic was neat-it shows his backswing and him hitting the ball